Equipe Meetings

The following is an agenda overview of all Equipe meetings. More detailed and up-to-date information, including assignments and resources, can be found in the Equipe Meetings Google Doc.


  • Zoom recording:

  • Agenda:

    • Interview with Professor John Foot. Opportunity to get to know each other.

    • Overview of travel logistics.


  • Zoom recording:

  • Agenda:

    • Recovery theme: review responses to question about "recovery" from Survey Monkey

    • Discussion around possibility of inviting filmmaker for future documentary

    • Begin to brainstorm mission statement for the equipe

    • First peek at the October itinerary

    • Overview of travel arrangements and travel stipend

  • Before the meeting:

    • Send photos for bios to be created for website/ formulate thoughts as to a potential mission statement for the Èquipe


  • Zoom recording:

  • Agenda:

    • Consensus around mission statement

    • Opportunity for Èquipe members to share their research/study areas (list to be shared via Slack)

    • Review of Survey Monkey responses regarding "three greatest obstacles" to functioning American mental health system

  • Before the meeting:

    • Be mindful of the reading/preparation for the August 23 meeting (see below for Syllabus and podcast interview); take this opportunity to prepare in advance for that meeting.



  • Zoom recording:

  • Agenda:

    • 9:00 a.m. - 9:05 a.m. Quick update on travel logistics from Fabiola

    • 9:05 a.m. to 10 a.m. Presentation and conversation with Dr. Roberto Mezzina about his work in Trieste through 2019. Topics also to be explored: definition(s) of recovery, role of the institution, power dynamics and decisionmaking, stigma and more.

    • 10 a.m. The Équipe in Trieste - Teaser

    • 10 - 11 a.m. "Who are we and why are we all here together?" A guided conversation.

  • Syllabus:


  • Zoom recording:

  • Agenda:

    • Logistics update

    • Filming update

    • Preview of Final Équipe Meeting on October 11th

    • Continuing the Conversation – Getting to Know Each Other

      • Introduction to Madhuri Jha, our guide

      • Two-minute intros (An opportunity for those who were not able to participate in 9/13/24 meeting to introduce themselves)

      • Calling in our diversity

      • Group norms and safety agreements

      • Stoplight Signals: A communications strategy to consider

      • Open Forum

10/11/24: Final Meeting